Support Rise Prep


You can help a student rise above

Investing in education is an investment in a community for generations to come.

88% of Rise Prep’s cost per student is covered through scholarships provided by generous donors like you.


Support us with your time 


When you volunteer, you join a community of adults who support our students in profound ways. Share your love of learning; help with homework time, math or reading; share your story, skills, and talents; or become a model of a professional in your field of work. We're especially looking for:

  • Front office help like answering phones, filing, copying, etc.

  • Mentors/tutors to provide personal attention to our scholars

Contact us →


Support us with your prayers


We firmly believe that God has called us to this particular work and earnestly desire your prayers for perseverance in loving our students following the pattern of Christ; for the development of mature young people; and for the flourishing of our community.

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Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will rise up on wings like eagles.
— Isaiah 40:31